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Home Page

Having been brought up in Cape Town, South Africa, and later living in Bloemfontein, we formally immigrated to the Land Down Under at the beginning of 2003 where we have since lived in Sydney and Perth. This web site gives a brief insight into our lives, and in particular, into details of our travels.

In South Africa, our initial interests were that of camping and hiking/bushwalking in the beautiful Cape Mountains. We continued with these activities when we moved to Bloemfontein and then to Sydney. Soon after arriving in Australia, it became apparent that we could combine these activities with our love for cycling by progressing into Bicycle Touring.

What originally started out as a handful of days hiking/bushwalking has turned into multiple week cycling/hiking adventures. Our accommodation (nearly) always consists of our tent; bush- (or wild-) camping is preferred.

The website started off by providing a place where our families could keep up to date with our travels, but over time developed into something slightly more. As we often find personal web pages of other travellers to be the most useful when planning our own journeys, we hope that what we provide here can do the same for others.

Now that we've both retired from the workforce, we plan to travel more with Perth remaining our home base.

 Mike & Judith - 2023

At the moment, we are undertaking the following cycle tour:

Cycle Tour 2025: Western Europe & East/Southern Africa (2025)

Previous cycle tours and long distrance thru-hikes that we've completed:

Thru-Hike 2024: Via Alpina (France, Italy, Switzerland) - 870 km Thru-Hike 2024: Cape to Cape Hike, WA - 156 km Cycle Tour 2023: Western USA and Canada - 15,150 km Thru-Hike 2022: Heysen Trail, South Australia (Parachilna to Cape Jervis) - 1133 km Cycle Tour 2021: Central Australia (Adelaide to Alice Springs via Oodnadatta Track, to Uluru via the Mereenie Loop, to Perth via the Great Central Road) - 5,013 km Thru-Hike 2020: Bibbulmun Track, Western Australia (Perth to Albany) - 983 km Cycle Tour 2019: UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Finland - 9,400 km Cycle Tour 2017: Canada and Alaska (USA) - 8,300 km Cycle Tour 2015: UK, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Estonia & Latvia Cycle Tour - 10,166 km Cycle Tour 2014: Scandinavia Cycle Tour [Sweden & Norway] - 3,076 km Cycle Tour 2013: Germany and its Neighbours - 4,830 km Cycle Tour 2012: Sweden and Finland - 2,416 km Cycle Tour 2011: The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark - 1,853 km Cycle Tour 2009: South Island, New Zealand Cycle Tour 2009: The Top End, Northern Territory, Australia Cycle Tour 2008: Kangaroo Island - South Australia Cycle Tour 2008: Kep Track: Perth - Northam (and Return), Western Australia Cycle Tour 2008: Tasmania, Australia Cycle Tour 2005: South Island, New Zealand Cycle Tour 2003: Tasmania, Australia Cycle Tour 2003: Sofala - Hill End - Mudgee - Sofala, NSW, Australia

A Google Map (scrollable) showing all cycle tour routes can be found HERE. A thumbnail of that map is shown below.